©Nadja Gruberg 1999-2016

Guided Imagery and Music, GIM



Nadja Gruberg
Expressive Arts Therapist, Art Therapist
UniKrea-Studio for Expressive Arts

Fjällgatan 23B
S-116 28 Stockholm, SWEDEN
unikrea_art(at)yahoo.com  www.unikrea.se


       Welcome to UniKrea and my GIM page

The Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a music therapy method using recorded classical music as a way to get in touch with and explore our inner self.


With the music as her guide, the traveler embarks on her inner journey which may become a rich and extraordinary experience with encounters of healing images and sounds, discovery of lost memories and dreams.

The music evokes imagery, feelings, sensations which the traveler will move through in her own particular way.

After the induction which will bridge the gap between our ordinary awareness and the altered awareness used in GIM, the client, in GIM called "traveler", is invited to let the music be her guide while voyaging through her inner world.

After the journey, painting a mandala can deepen and expand the musical experience. Images, feelings and sensations experienced during the journey are further explored with words in the post-session.

copyright Nadja Gruberg 1999-2016

To view another GIM-mandala, click on the CD-icon!

For information in Swedish, please enter here!


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Do you want to know more? Mail to unikrea_art(at)yahoo.com


Text, mandala and design by @Nadja Gruberg 1999-2016

UniKrea was founded in 1986 by Nadja Gruberg

This page is created and updated in Firefox 2016.


Follow UniKrea on Facebook! www.facebook.com/unikrea.art

UniKrea - Uttryckande Konst och Livsfrågor

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